Sunday, November 29, 2009

"How To Avoid The 11 HUGE Mistakes That Ruin Most High School Senior Portraits"

From a graduating senior’s point of view, nothing could be more disappointing than not liking the way you look in that super-important portrait that all of your friends and relatives will see! On this Fan Page, I'm going to reveal some powerful secrets to help you look great in your portraits! Think about this for a moment, more people will see your senior portraits than any other photograph you have ever taken! Yes, even more than your wedding photographs! So you want him to be really proud of it? Right? Research has proven that two major things that are most important to seniors and their senior portraits are: 1.) That they want to look really good in the portrait and 2.) They also want the portrait to have some kind of "artistic quality" to it. That is to say, that the photographs look fantastic as well as you looking fantastic in them. The portrait must have what I call "SPARKLE". By "Sparkle" I mean that when your friends and family look at your portrait, they say, "Wow, you look like a rock star or somebody famous! It's like you're going to step right off the paper and speak to me! This photo of you is really great!" That's what I call "Sparkle." And I'm going to do everything I can to help your senior portraits have that special "SPARKLE!" Why? Because I love photographing seniors! It's what I do with a passion! You want to look fantastic in these photographs, and I'm going to help you achieve that!

Here's How To Avoid The 11 Huge Mistakes That 9 Out Of 10 Seniors Make With Their Senior Portrait!

Let's go through the 11 huge mistakes that 90% of all seniors and their parents make when it comes to your senior portraits. Obviously, you should contact me right away about whether or not I have any openings left to create your senior portrait. I am extremely booked up already, but hopefully I still have some openings so I can do your senior portraits for you. But that's not the point of this website. The point of this website is to give you these 11 major mistakes that most seniors make in reference to their senior portraits. If you don't decide to work with me, that's fine. I understand. I still want you to be aware of these major mistakes so you don't make them yourself when planning your portrait!

Mistake #1 Ruins More Senior Portraits Than Anything!

Mistake #1 is wearing the wrong clothes! This is very normal. Even if you are a professional model, you still wouldn't know what to wear that would help you look your very best in a photograph. The "Art Director" would tell you the model what to wear and the model would just show up, and do what he or she is told. The hair person does the hair and the makeup artist does the makeup. The Art Director plans everything and tells the subject what to do next. You see, people don't know what really photographs well. I'm sorry, but they just don't know. Well, we know. That's our job. And we love it and we're really, really good at helping you select the best clothing that will help you look your very best. We will help you with this. Don't worry. For example, the wrong clothing can make you look 44 pounds heavier. 44 pounds!!! I'm sure you want to look as thin as possible in your portraits, therefore clothing makes a huge difference in this area, so let's make sure your clothing is really perfect! Stay tuned for Mistake#2 Mistake #2 Is A HUGE Destroyer Of Senior Portraits!

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