Thursday, December 17, 2009


I found this poem and I wanted to share it with you but it was to long to post it on the wall, so I hope you don't mind me sending it to you.


It is not a word, nor a single action. In truth, it can never be wrong. Like the sunrise, perfect in every possible way. It is many things and yet it must exist in the small space of the heart. Once found it can bloom endlessly, with no cease. It can choke one's throat, bring one to tears... But it never hides in shadows or in darkness. It never feeds itself on deception. It grows with trust, honesty and compassion. Nothing less, always more.

- Unknown Author

Have a lovely day ;-)


Capturing precious moments.

studio : 202.246.5683 :: toll-free : 800.437.7051 :: email : :: web : :: blog :

P.S. Visit today to discover the secrets of choosing the right kind of photographer for you and your family.

P.P.S. Please join my Fan Page for up to the minute posts.


"We are extremely pleased with the care and the time that M.J. spent with us to make our family portrait the very best. We look at it everyday."

Davida & Arthur Cunanan
Washington, DC


It is not a word, nor a single action. In truth, it can never be wrong. Like the sunrise, perfect in every possible way. It is many things and yet it must exist in the small space of the heart. Once found it can bloom endlessly, with no cease. It can choke one's throat, bring one to tears... But it never hides in shadows or in darkness. It never feeds itself on deception. It grows with trust, honesty and compassion. Nothing less, always more. - Unknown Author Have a lovely day ;-)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Here's 7 Secrets To Having The Wedding Of Your Dreams! (2 of 7)

Announcing The Single Most Important 'Secret' You MUST Know About Weddings!

Here's a really big "secret" that almost no brides think about when interviewing a potential photographer: What's their guarantee? What happens if you aren't happy with the photography or the way you and your friends were treated? How would you feel if the photographer left your wedding before he was supposed to, etc?

This is of the utmost importance! The guarantee (make sure it's in writing) tells you just how committed they are going to be in taking good care of you, and doing a great job.

And, just so you know, here's my IRON CLAD, 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE:

You will be THRILLED (not just 'satisfied) with how we represented you and your family at your wedding and also you will be THRILLED with your photographs. Studio of Love we will do whatever necessary to make you THRILLED with them or we will return all your money. Period. No hard feelings either. We want you to LOVE everything we do for you!

You see, we understand that you can't do this over again. This is a "one-time-thing" and everything MUST be perfect! You have our written guarantee that we will take really good care of you!

Stay tuned for Secret #3

- M.J.

Capturing precious moments.

studio : 202.246.5683 :: toll-free : 800.437.7051 :: email : :: web :

P.S. Visit today to discover the secrets of choosing the right kind of photographer for you and your family.


"We are extremely pleased with the care and the time that M.J. spent with us to make our family portrait the very best. We look at it everyday."

Becky & Jonn Tollefson
Washington, DC

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome To A...

...different type of Facebook Fan Page.


We’re glad that you are able to join us and hope you will learn the secrets to great photography. I like to provide as much useful content for those who are considering or want to find the right kind of wedding & portrait photographer at

On this fan page, I’ll share with you thoughts, various subjects and a number of videos that will help you look your best while being photographed. Take your time here and let’s work together to make you look great in your portraits.

We look forward to spending time with you on our Fan Page. So if we can do anything to make your stay more pleasant, please let us know. Thank you for joining “Studio of Love” Fan Page.


M.J. Love
Professional Wedding & Portrait Photographer
Studio of Love

P.S. Please enjoy 50% OFF Your Family or Senior Portrait Session for being the first 100 to join. Valid through December 18th, 2009.

P.P.S. Feel free to spread the word!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Quote of the Month

“Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back.” ~Arthur Rubinstein

Sunday, November 29, 2009

"How To Avoid The 11 HUGE Mistakes That Ruin Most High School Senior Portraits"

From a graduating senior’s point of view, nothing could be more disappointing than not liking the way you look in that super-important portrait that all of your friends and relatives will see! On this Fan Page, I'm going to reveal some powerful secrets to help you look great in your portraits! Think about this for a moment, more people will see your senior portraits than any other photograph you have ever taken! Yes, even more than your wedding photographs! So you want him to be really proud of it? Right? Research has proven that two major things that are most important to seniors and their senior portraits are: 1.) That they want to look really good in the portrait and 2.) They also want the portrait to have some kind of "artistic quality" to it. That is to say, that the photographs look fantastic as well as you looking fantastic in them. The portrait must have what I call "SPARKLE". By "Sparkle" I mean that when your friends and family look at your portrait, they say, "Wow, you look like a rock star or somebody famous! It's like you're going to step right off the paper and speak to me! This photo of you is really great!" That's what I call "Sparkle." And I'm going to do everything I can to help your senior portraits have that special "SPARKLE!" Why? Because I love photographing seniors! It's what I do with a passion! You want to look fantastic in these photographs, and I'm going to help you achieve that!

Here's How To Avoid The 11 Huge Mistakes That 9 Out Of 10 Seniors Make With Their Senior Portrait!

Let's go through the 11 huge mistakes that 90% of all seniors and their parents make when it comes to your senior portraits. Obviously, you should contact me right away about whether or not I have any openings left to create your senior portrait. I am extremely booked up already, but hopefully I still have some openings so I can do your senior portraits for you. But that's not the point of this website. The point of this website is to give you these 11 major mistakes that most seniors make in reference to their senior portraits. If you don't decide to work with me, that's fine. I understand. I still want you to be aware of these major mistakes so you don't make them yourself when planning your portrait!

Mistake #1 Ruins More Senior Portraits Than Anything!

Mistake #1 is wearing the wrong clothes! This is very normal. Even if you are a professional model, you still wouldn't know what to wear that would help you look your very best in a photograph. The "Art Director" would tell you the model what to wear and the model would just show up, and do what he or she is told. The hair person does the hair and the makeup artist does the makeup. The Art Director plans everything and tells the subject what to do next. You see, people don't know what really photographs well. I'm sorry, but they just don't know. Well, we know. That's our job. And we love it and we're really, really good at helping you select the best clothing that will help you look your very best. We will help you with this. Don't worry. For example, the wrong clothing can make you look 44 pounds heavier. 44 pounds!!! I'm sure you want to look as thin as possible in your portraits, therefore clothing makes a huge difference in this area, so let's make sure your clothing is really perfect! Stay tuned for Mistake#2 Mistake #2 Is A HUGE Destroyer Of Senior Portraits!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Asanti + Brennan

Here's 7 Secrets To Having The Wedding Of Your Dreams! (1 of 7)

SECRET #1: How To Guarantee Your Wedding Lives Up To Your Dreams.

Believe it or not, the photographer you select to photograph your wedding can make or break your romantic day and your photographs. It can be determined by the way he helps you plan your wedding, the way he treats you and your loved ones and the way he conducts himself throughout the day.

Amazing Secret Revealed - What Other Wedding Photographers Don't Want You To Know Or Will Forget To Tell You!

So here's the secret, before you hire anyone to photograph your wedding, meet the photographer in person. Most brides don't realize that many studios hire part time photographers to photograph their weddings, high school and college kids, friends, relatives, etc. This means that you go to a studio, talk with a salesperson, look at their samples, and make a decision, without really knowing who will photograph your wedding.

And if you don't have the right person doing the photography, and interacting with all your family and guests, everything can be ruined! So, when you're talking with a potential studio, ask them the following questions:

1. Who did these photographs you are showing me?

2. Who, by name, will be photographing my wedding if I hire your studio?

3. Is it possible to meet this person, before we hire your studio?

Then, when you meet this person, ask him or her the following questions:

1. How will you dress at my wedding?

2. Did you photograph all the images in this sample-wedding album? If not, show us your work, please.

3. How long have you been photographing weddings?

4. How long will you be at my wedding?

5. Before you leave our wedding, whom do you check with first to see if there's anything else we would like you to do?

6. Do you work from a checklist of photos? (You NEVER want a photographer who needs a checklist to capture the precious moments on your wedding day. He'll spend all his time looking at the list and miss all the wonderful, romantic and spontaneous moments of your wedding!)

Then, decide if you REALLY like him, as well as his work, because he's going to be the one spending a lot of time with you, your family and friends on your important and intimate day.

By the way, just so you know, here are my answers to those questions:

I'm the ONLY photographer at my studio. I will be photographing your wedding personally along with an associate photographer and my wife. We will dress in a nice suit (not a tux and not just slacks and a shirt). I don't want to take anything away from your groom, groomsmen and the fathers. I also don't want to dress casually and not represent you professionally.

Also, I'll be at your wedding until you, your husband (how exciting, your "husband!"), your parents, and your husband's parents all say they have nothing else for me to do. I NEVER will leave your wedding without checking with all of the above people!

I use no checklist. Instead, I learn the names and relationships of all the members of your wedding party, and both families! I refer to them by name, and I know their relationship to you, so I can be constantly watching for those special, magical and spontaneous moments that will be so meaningful to you to have photographs off!

Stay tuned for Secret #2

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cloud Nine Newsletter

If you like to sign up for my new e-zine/newsletter please do so now. Go and check it out by clicking on the link below. Oh, by the way take advantage of my VIP special offer. 

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Quote of the Month

"Love Makes Everything Lovely"

-Author Unknown

Monday, February 16, 2009

My Newest Site is Up

Capturing Precious Moments

I wasn't satisfied with the other one so I present to you my new site.  The cool thing about Showit Sites is I can change up my site and give it an entire new look at will.  Isn't that awesome? Check out my new site. - M.J.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Quote of the Month

"Some photographers take reality... and impose the domination of their own thought and spirit. Others come before reality more tenderly and a photograph to them is an instrument of love and revelation."

-Anselm Adams